jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013





   Voz activa
   Many students use computers.
   Voz pasiva
   Computers are used by many students.


La voz pasiva se construye con el verbo to be seguido del participio pasado del verbo principal.

                            Ejemplo:    to cause    to be caused

El objeto de la oración activa pasa a ser sujeto de la oración pasiva.

                           Ejemplo:   Alcohol causes many health problems.

                                            Many health problems are caused by alcohol.

El sujeto e la oración activa se transforma en el complemento agente de la oración pasiva, que va introducido por by.

                              Ejemplo:    The coach will choose the team.

                                                 The team will be chosen by the coach.

   que el complemento agente se omite cuando se quiere  destacar la    
   acción que expresa el verbo, sin importar demasiado quién la realiza.
   Ejemplos: My purse has been stolen
                    (Me han robado el bolso.)
                    A new drug is being tested.
                    (Están probando un medicamento nuevo.)


La voz pasiva se utiliza

  • Para expresar acciones verbales destacando al objeto que afectan.
Ejemplos:    The doctors took a lot of samples.

                                A lot of samples were taken (by the doctors)                            

                               They have made huge progress.

                               Huge progress has been made.

   que la voz pasiva se utiliza mucho más en inglés que en castellano. Por eso, ante la oración: He was asked a lot of questions, debemos evitar una traducción literal del tipo: Le fueron hechas muchas preguntas, y coger una frase que suene más natural en castellano: Le hicieron muchas preguntas.   

Cambios de tiempos verbales

   Present simple
   makes / make
   Is / are made
   Present continuous
   Is / are making
   Is / are being made
   Past simple
   was / were made
   Past continuous
   was / were making
   was / were being made
   Present perfect
   has / have made
   has / have been made
   Past perfect
   had made
   had been made
   will make
   wll be made
   Future perfect
   will have made
   will have been made
   would make
   would be made
   Perfect conditional
   would have made
   would have been made
   to make
   to be made
   Perfect infinitive
   to have made
   to have been made
   can make
   can be made
   can have made
   can have been made
   Should / ought to
   should / ought to make
   should / ought to be made
   should / ought to have
   should / ought to have


  Ejemplos:    William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
                       Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare.

                       Someone should put these books away.
                       These books should be put away.

                       They are painting the walls pink.
                       The walls are being painted pink.

                        Someone has made the beds.
                        The beds have been made.

                        They could have solved this problem.
                         This problem could have been solved.                   

Verbos con dos objetos

  • Cuando el verbo activo tiene dos objetos, el objeto indirecto generalmente pasa a ser el sujeto de la frase pasiva.

Ejemplo:    They offered Harry a good job.
                                          CI           CD

                                   Harry was offered a good job
                O bien:       A good job was offered to Harry.

  • Entre los verbos que admiten estas estructuras cabe destacar: give, send, show, lend, ask, tell, offer, order, pay.

Ejemplo:    They didn’t send John an e-mail.
                    John wasn’t sent an e-mail.
                    An e-mail wasn’t sent to John

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