sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012




1     1.  a       2.  a       3.  b       4.  b       5.  a

2     1.  c       2.  a       3.  d       4.  e       5.  b

3     1.  download music

       2.  out-of-date

       3.  environmentally-friendly

       4.  no longer

       5.  search engine

       6.  foolproof

4     1.  complicated            4.  coast

       2.  start up                   5.  came up with

       3.  crashed                   6.  practical

5     1.  personal                  4.  innovative

       2.  reliable                   5.  user-friendly

       3.  famous

6     1.  set … on fire          4.  dangerous

       2.  efficient                  5.  deal with

       3.  accurate                  6.  convenient


1     1.  am going to take     4.  will lend

       2.  will rain                  5.  is going to wear

       3.  won’t help

2     1.  Will they save a place for you?

       2.  Where are you going to go on holiday?

       3.  What will John get after school?

       4.  Will it be too early to visit Cathy?

       5.  Why will Isabel have tea?

       6.  Is Burt going to work for his father?

3     1.  b       2.  a       3.  a       4.  b       5.  a       6.  b

4     1.  Will … be using      4.  will be sleeping

       2.  will have finished   5.  will have come

       3.  will have received    6.            will be going

5     1.  aren’t buying / aren’t going to buy

       2.  will have performed

       3.  will have returned

       4.  Are … going to go / Will … go

       5.  Is … throwing away / going to throw away

       6.  will be making / is going to make

6     1.  He is hiking / is going to hike in the mountains.

       2.  He will have completed his homework by seven o’clock.

       3.  I am taking / am going to take a hat and sunscreen.

       4.  We are buying / are going to buy her a disc for her birthday.

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